What is the real need of your customers?

Another week has gone by and I am wondering just how helpful you are finding this writing. Is it just a lot of hot air or can you apply the teaching given here to your daily work?

Emphatically yes! All the statements are relevant and applicable to your daily routine however they may not actually be what you need or want.

Is this all theory dreamed up by me or practical information gleaned from a life of serving my community? Well of course I can only teach what I have already learnt so judge for yourselves and be  people who will always ask questions.

So what are your customers really looking for? What are they really expecting from you?

Well I can say that they are not really expecting your expertise-that goes without saying . They are looking for the application of your expertise to resolve the issue that they have whether it be relating to a product or a service.

Neither are they looking for or want you to be attempting to do that for which you are not qualified or experienced in doing. They are however expecting you to ensure that you are appropriately trained in the product or service you supply.

They will have sometimes unreasonable expectations of how or when the product or service can be supplied or delivered. It is your duty to manage those expectations so that you supply a service that is exceptional. The old adage of under promise and over deliver applies.

One of the biggest and common complaints from customers is the lack of communication from suppliers of goods or services. Improve in this area and you will be well on the way to creating clients who will not only keep returning to you but will also be your best salespeople to other prospective customers.

Until next week have fun creating the World where you can meet the real needs of your clients